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The Adam Walsh Act is designed to protect children and adults from sexual exploitation and violent crime, prevent child abuse and child pornography, promote Internet safety, and honor the memory of Adam Walsh and other crime victims. The Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW) is a critical component of the SMART Office's strategy to provide a comprehensive national sex offender registration and notification system to notify and protect the public from sex offenders. NSOPW allows law enforcement and the public to search existing state, territory and tribal sex offender registries for public sex offender data. With a single query from any web-capable computer, NSOPW searches state, territory and tribal publicly-available sex offender registration information. With a since query from any web-capable computer, NSOPW searches state, territory and tribal public sex offender registries to deliver results based on name, zip code, or geographic radius.
Date Created: June 11, 2018
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